
  • We now have 105 million pages in our index
  • We’re crawling around a million pages a day
  • Around 60 people are helping to crawl the web each day
  • The beta version of Mwmbl now allows user curation of search results

Side projects

My main problem with side projects is that I tend to stop working on them. It feels like I’ve started so many things only to abandon them, and that makes me feel bad. Over time, I’ve come to realise that this is a feature, not a bug. I work on side projects because I enjoy working on them. If I stop enjoying it, then I should stop working on them.

The amazing thing about Mwmbl is that, with the exception of a few long hiatuses, I have continued working on it, which means I’m still enjoying it. I also really care about the goals of the project, and the little community we’ve built around it. The idea of a free and open source search engine without ads still seems like something that should necessarily exist.

Some of the breaks were for good reasons, like having a fourth child, Layla, who is now six weeks old. Some of them were for spurious (but I would still argue, good) reasons, like inventing a sudoku-pentominous puzzle hybrid. But I have come back to Mwmbl, and I’m still having a great time. There is also still much more to do…


I launched Mwmbl on Boxing Day 2021 with a Hacker News post. At the time Mwmbl was little more than a proof of concept with a few hundred thousand pages indexed. But the response, while not overwhelmingly positive, was significant enough to keep me working on the project.

Shortly afterwards, Colin Espinas joined and designed a beautiful front-end which is still in use today.

Slowly the community grew, as we launched the distributed web crawler that allows users to help us crawl the web, either as a Firefox extension or python script.

Howdy Mwmblers!

The best thing about this project has been the support we have received from the community. Mwmbl runs entirely on a donated server. Other generous donors have given over $800 to support the project. Over ten people have contributed to the source code. And tens of our amazing volunteers are crawling the web, donating their compute and bandwidth. Without them, we would have no search results.

So firstly I want to thank all of you that have contributed in any way to the project.

New things

It’s been about a year since the last update. I’m sure there are plenty of other new things, but here are some highlights.

Launch of the stats page

A few weeks ago we launched a real-time stats page. On an average day, around 60 volunteers are helping us crawl the web, and we’re crawling around a million pages a day. We now have visibility on which domains we’re crawling most frequently, and ensuring these domains are representative of what the community cares about is now a high priority.

Switch to Django

If you’d told me I’d be using Django on this project when I started I’d probably have metaphorically slapped you. The grug brained developer in me would have said “Complexity bad! Django very complex. Mean Django very bad”, and largely I would still agree with that. But having seen Django used at work to build some very cool things very quickly, I have been convinced that sometimes the cost is worth it.

More importantly, for our goals for Mwmbl, the cost of not using Django is higher than the cost of using it. Django gives you a sophisticated auth and user management system. This is something I would rather not have to build myself, and it’s necessary for our long term goals.

So far, just the API on the main site is using Django (together with the excellent Django Ninja), but we are slowly experimenting with moving the front end to it, with htmx for AJAXy stuff.

Launch of Mwmbl Beta

The reason we need auth and user management is because of the curation tools we’re building that will allow users to rerank, add and delete search results. The vision is that this will ultimately be like a kind of Wikipedia or Stack Overflow for search. Not every results page will be manually curated, but the curated ones will give us insight and statistics that will be used to automatically rank pages for other results page, and yes, provide a dataset for learning to rank.

I announced this idea a long time ago, and began working on it. After falling into a few holes along the way, stopping for one of my hiatuses and restarting again, I am finally happy to announce the launch of Mwmbl Beta. It’s not more than an early prototype and the front end is horrible because I built it myself. But the key things are there - you can rerank search results, and add and delete new ones. Give it a try - just beware, this is an early version and still needs much love and attention.

Progress towards the Googlarity

The Googlarity is when Mwmbl is a lot better than Google. Specifically, we should be:

  1. Faster
  2. Have better results
  3. Ad free

When we have all of these things, our target market will all switch to using Mwmbl and we can rejoice.

We have had 1 and 3 on the above list since Mwmbl was launched, so I’ll focus mainly on 2, getting better results.

There are two essential components to having good search results:

  1. Having enough good pages in the index
  2. Being able to rank these pages effectively for a given search query

The first is essentially a problem of crawling: have we crawled enough pages to be able to find pages that are relevant to the user’s query? The second is a question of ranking: given that we have the pages in our index that are relevant to the user’s query, what is the best order to show them in?

Our early experiments showed at the time that the first problem was the main hurdle to overcome. We simply did not have enough pages in our index to satisfy users’ queries. That is why we focused on building tools for the community to help us crawl the web, rather than improving our ranking algorithm, for example.

In order to achieve the Googlarity, we think we need around 100 billion pages in our index, perhaps less. We are currently at around 100 million, so only three orders of magnitude off!

The key, and the tricky bit, is to achieve this without having to spend lots of money. Luckily, Mwmbl is designed to achieve this goal. We are still happily running on a single server, and our plan is to stay this way for the forseeable future.

Index stats

The old method of finding out how many pages were in the index was to query the URL table in Postgres and see how many had the status “crawled”. However this method has now become too slow to be workable, so I devised a new method.

Since the index is only 40GB, it’s easy to download locally and run analysis on. Using HyperLogLog we can get a rough count of the number of URLs without running out of memory.

As we were scanning the index I collected some other stats:

  • We have a total of 343036391 (non-unique) URLs in the index. This means that each URL is indexed around 3.3 times on average.
  • Each page has on average 33.5 items

This is reassuring since it means that the hypothesis that Mwmbl is built on is holding up. Namely that, on average, most pages will rank for only a few search terms.

There is scope to improve this further. We currently use a naive method to choose which URLs to keep in each page - we just select the highest scoring one, where the score is a heuristic based on backlinks. If we also take into account the relevance of the page to the search result, we can probably reduce the 3.3 times average above, meaning we can store more URLs overall.

Search quality

It’s reassuring that the queries mentioned in the top comment on that first Hacker News post at least look a lot better: best car brands, what is a test? and duck duck go all look hugely improved.

Actual evaluation results tell a different story however - it seems things have gotten slightly worse in the last year. This lends credence to my son’s claim that the results have never been the same since I accidentally deleted the index

Anyway, given that the size of our index is now a lot bigger, it’s probably a good time to re-evaluate the ranking algorithm.

Things I worry about

  • The fact that I can’t run queries against the URL table in Postgres is concerning. A good DB admin could probably fix it, but it ain’t me babe.
  • The domains we are crawling. We are meant to be crawling Github, Wikipedia, StackOverflow etc, which we are, but we’re also crawling diwaxx.ru and m.17ll.com. It turns out, deciding which URLs to crawl is a hard problem.
  • Building an institution. The Wikimedia Foundation is set up to last for hundreds of years. We should have something like that for Mwmbl.

What’s in a name? or - a rant

Mwmbl is pronounced “mumble”, and no, it’s not English, it’s Welsh (kind of). And no, we’re not going to change the name because you don’t like it or can’t remember how to spell it.

As for being a marketing failure, you clearly don’t understand the remarkable marketing jiu-jitsu feat we have performed! Our target audience is people who like the name Mwmbl, or more generally, people who care more about the philosophy and technology behind the project than the name, i.e. Hackers, Free Software afficionados, and lovers of the Free Web. If you’re reading this, it’s probably you - howdy Mwmbler!

But seriously, we have thought about changing the name many times, and every time we decided as a community to stick to it. Perhaps if someone donates the mumble.org domain name, we’ll think about it again.